
The third series of genpatu

"Nuclear Power Plants and the Global Environment"

Problems at Fukushima nuclear power plant are not yet finishied. It still has a hugely harmful effect on the environment. How can people survivre in this situation?

Dr.Yugo Ono is a scientific researcher in particular environmental science for protect on of our environmemt. Nuclear serious problems for the global environmental and human beings.

He will talk about this big issue including Tomari nuclear power plant in Japanese and English.

Lecturer:  Dr. Yugo Ono
 Born in Tokyo,1948
 Doctoral course in Tokyo Education University
 Lecturer Environmental  Science in Tsukuba University, 1975
 Guest professor at Paris the 7th University, 1984
 Professor at post graduate Environmental Science at Hokkaido University, 1993
 A representative of Saporo "MUsubiba", the Tohoku Earthquake disaster victim assistance network

Date:  11th August, 2011
Time:  6:30 pm
Place: 1F Hall, Shiribeshi Roudou Fukushi Centre,
           South 1, East 1, kutchan-cyo

Contact: peacechildfuture@gmail.com

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